Sunday, 28 July 2013

Being polite... the UK is quite a tricky thing for me.
Honestly, in Russia I was considered to be polite and tactful enough (sometimes too polite!) but here lots of things come across as rude.
  Being direct and straightforward - if it's only about your own thoughts and feelings! - is often seen as being rude and angry. And this is something that I so far have failed to understand.
  When shopping I tell a shop assistant that I don't want this dress because I don't like it, she gets such a face as if I have just made a nasty comment about her weird looking tattoo.
  When I don't smile back at a lame joke, a person who has made it, looks at me expectantly.
  When being asked something about Russia I give an answer that doesn't fit into my listener's ideas about what Russia is like, he or she looks at me as if I have just mentioned their mother in an unacceptable way.

  Not very long ago I read a post by the bloke who is the anchorman of the programme called Top Gear (yeah, it's an old one).
  He was sharing his unpleasant experience of travelling to Russia, where people - as he thinks - are all very rude, because they don't use all those apologetic phrases but go straight to the point. How rude! Russians apparently don't do famous small talk as well - barbaric country!
  So Mr. Jeremy Clarkson was happy to be back to the UK where he was finally able to do some small talking thing to a milkman!

  I am not even going to mention a simple fact of which Mr. Top Gear might not be aware of, which is - they don't speak English in Russia, sadly the state language in Russia is Russian and that nasty Russian girl at the hotel reception who told you, sir, "Passport!" instead of "I am really very sorry for bothering you, sir, but would you, sir, please be so kind and show me your passport, please? Sorry for causing that much trouble!" This barbaric Russian - and I am 100 percent certain of that - didn't mean to be rude in any way, her English might be very basic, but if you could speak or understand a little Russian you might probably be surprised to get all those apologetic phrases you needed that much.

  But that is just plain nonsense of course - everywhere they should speak English well enough to provide Mr. Top Gear with the sense of complete satisfaction. Language satisfaction.

  There is one thing I totally agree on with Mr. Not-liking-rude-Russians - Russian people don't do small talk.

  I am sorry but that's true. Life is short - go straight to the point!
 So when I go 'dress hunting' - that's the only type of hunting I am more or less good at! - instead of saying,
"That's a lovely gown, I like the embroidered skirt, and the fabric is so luxurious and the cut is divine, but I don't think I am good enough for this dress!" Instead of this I am - being a nasty rude Russian - likely to say, 'It's too loose and what's the point of having a nice waist and buying a bulky looking dress that makes you look as if you are trying to sneak a couple of foot balls into the party under your gown?"

  I am lying actually. I won't be saying that. I will say, 'It's ugly and I don't like it'.

However, you won't believe but on lots of occasions I was shocked at how rude British people are! At least they came across as being rude.

And here are some revealing examples:
1. I still can't get used to waiters in pubs and cafes who interrupt your conversations at table by asking, 'Was it OK? Was your food all right?' We are talking! Say 'Excuse me' at least! Instead they start shouting straightaway and grabbing the plates as if their buttocks are on fire. Very rude and unwelcoming.
2. British people starting talking to you in a weird voice when they find out you are a foreigner. I am Russian, not deaf! There is a difference :)
3. People emptying their noses loudly in public places like pubs and cafes. That's just gross, guys!
4. British people stare! No, it's like this - they S-T-A-R-E! Sometimes I feel as if some random person tries to X-ray me with his eyes.
5. British shop assistants at women's underwear department - I don't want any assistance with my bras, thank you very much! To be honest I just see it as invasion into my personal private space and having a look at my breasts.

These are just a few examples that came to mind :).

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