Wednesday, 4 March 2015

Ideology in Russia

 It's finally happened.
After 1990s, the decade when Russia was trying to embrace democratic values - without any clear idea of what it actually means - we have given up those hopeless efforts and turned back to what we are familiar with all too well.
Good old Soviet Cold War ideology techniques.

Nothing unites the Russian nation more than a real or imaginary threat from the unknown West.  
Nothing is more pleasing to a Russian ear than talking about Russia as a mighty powerful dominant country where we don't tolerate 'weak and perverted' Western values but have ones of our own.

In this thriving imaginary Russia men are tall, strong, masculine and brave, women are submissive, fertile and quiet. 
No other nation would dare challenge us because our tanks are massive and our weapons are countless. 
Strong is our faith with our 'King President' praying passionately next to our obese with sanctity priests.

Going back to what once proved to be dangerous, ineffective, devastating for the nation and simply idiotic - doesn't it prove to the nation how desperate its government is to do ANYTHING that would secure its powers? For just a bit longer. 

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