Sunday, 3 March 2013

British men: myths, reality?

There's a community in Russian LiveJournal called Pora valit' what actually means "It's time to move away from Russia". Russian speaking people those who emigrated from the country (or other former Soviet republics such as Ukraine or Kazakhstan) share their experience, those Russians who are planning to move to other countries ask for some tips and advice.
  One of popular bloggers, a Russian speaking young woman who has lived in the UK for more than 7 years shared her ideas of what British men are really like here  
  I have done some translation and sharing it with you here

About English men
In the times on Soviet Union there was this belief that every foreigner is nearly a prince charming. This delusion could be justified by some objective grounds, including The Iron Curtain and the like ones. But I have noticed that this myth about foreign men being exclusive is still quite common and that marrying a foreign man is still seen as being very prestigious.....
English men cheat on their wives or girlfriends less often than Russians. But it's not because of high moral standards, it's just all about the principle of so called "fair play". It's bad to steal something that doesn't belong to you. Plus English men are inert and passive, they seldom reflect on feelings and love matters, they loathe changing their usual way of life, and having an affair is simply very pricey when it comes to spending time, finance and energy. It's also very pricey to leave your wife and get a divorce.
English men are not very fussy about their female partners' appearances. It's quite common here in the UK to see a very handsome good-looking man with an unattractive woman. Sometimes their women are really ugly. It's not because all English women are very ugly and English men simply have no choice. It's due to the fact that this cult of appearance of being attractive isn't very much developed in the UK. What is more important - English men tend to choose the easiest option, being inert and passive, they think that ugly women are an easy target and much easier to "lay" and to please....
English men drink, drink really a lot, but they seldom have days of drinking...
Both English men and women are very shy and reserved, the worst nightmare for an English person is finding themselves in a embarrassing situation. All the communication codes here are arranged the way to avoid embarrassing situations and even to prevent such situations from happening...4
When an English man falls in love though keeping in mind their cold temperament it's hardly possible to use this phrase so let's say - when an English man starts feeling attracted to a woman he usually finds himself in a pickle. Getting out of this pickle is possible in two ways:
1. Irony and sarcasm. Joking and taking the mickey out of a woman. It's like when you are in a primary school - if you fancy a girl you simply beat her up with your school bag. The same happens with English men "in love". They express their interest towards a woman by laughing at her and taking the mickey out of her...
2. Bare rudeness and offence. It's a paradox but that's true that it's much easier for an English man to get very drunk and tell a woman he fancies somewhat like "Fancy a shag?" rather than ask her out for a real date. A date is too straightforward and direct, it speaks clearly and openly of your feelings and intentions. While suggesting shagging isn't that embarrassing and means somewhat like "I was just passing by and I had an urge and you can just work nicely as a sperm-accepter!"
If an English man is brave enough to ask for a date you should not expect anything exciting. They are not an impulsive people and hide their feelings, sticking to a boring and trivial scenario. If he invites you to go out to the cinema that's pretty interesting. If he suggests going to the theatre - it's something extraordinary! Has he bought you flowers? What a real charmer! A usual date means going for a drink in a pub or for a coffee, for a dinner at a restaurant what is very rare. And then you have to split the bill. English men seldom pay for a woman. If he pays for the dinner he expects to have sex this very night.
It's not a custom to take a woman home after a date. If a man does take a woman home he expects sex.
English men are so lazy, passive and inert that it looks really ridiculous. If you have exchanged phone numbers with an English man he often starts arranging the first date and then he says something like "Look, I am knackered, you'd better come to my place and we cook dinner together" which basically means "I don't want to go out anywhere I'd rather you come to my place and we have quick sex in an old "bam-wham-thank you ma'm" style.

That is it:) Enjoy))) 

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