Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Some funny and weird Russian superstitions

Every time I see a black cat trying to cross a path I am walking on I either scare it off the path or go another way. Because it's one of the most common Russian superstitions - if a black cat crosses the path you are walking on just in front of you this can mean bad luck.
So here are some other ones (most of them are weird, some are really creepy):
1. Do not whistle inside a house or a flat - if you whistle you will have no money. You can whistle as much as you like when you are outside though - if other people don't mind!
2. Bumping into a woman with empty buckets in the street means getting some bad luck - fortunately you can't see lots of women with buckets empty or not in the streets these days. However if a woman has got two buckets filled with water - well, this means good luck and prosperity!
3. Russians spit a lot. Across their left shoulders. Weird it might seem to ignorant Western people but we scare away some bad luck with that!
4. We also knock a lot on wood to keep bad luck away - long story short spitting and knocking might be great fun when done for a reason! Even some freaky one....
to be continued....
If you know some funny superstitions please tell me:)

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